Phil Waknell
The 3 Magic Ingredients of Amazing Presentations
Why are most presentations so boring and ineffective? And why are TED talks the exceptions that prove the rule? Over the last ten years, as a specialist in high-impact presentations, Phil Waknell has saved thousands of audiences from a painful death by boredom or bullet-points. In this short and entertaining talk, he distills all this experience into the three magic ingredients of successful presentations, and shares a simple but powerful technique to understand your real objectives, work out what to say to achieve them, and formulate those ideas into a compelling narrative. No magic wand required! After watching this talk, you’ll never think of presentations the same way again…

Phil Waknell is one of Europe’s leading experts in the art of presenting, and the author of The Business Presentation Revolution. As Chief Inspiration Officer at Ideas on Stage, the global presentation specialists, Phil helps business leaders, entrepreneurs and TED(x) speakers to imagine, prepare and deliver high-impact talks that transform their audiences. Phil has taught business communication at HEC Paris Executive Education since 2010, and has coached TEDxSaclay speakers since the very first edition.
Phil Waknell est l’un des premiers spécialistes européens de l’art de présenter. Auteur du livre The Business Presentation Revolution, Phil est Chief Inspiration Officer chez Ideas on Stage, avec qui il accompagne dirigeants, entrepreneurs et speakers TED(x) pour imaginer, préparer et donner des talks à fort impact. Phil enseigne la communication business depuis 2010 pour HEC Paris Executive Education, et prépare les speakers pour TEDxSaclay depuis la toute première édition.